Located in Buckingham, Virginia along the banks of the James River is a unique community called Yogaville.
When you drive through the pink gates tucked away off of the forest-lined back roads, it's almost as if you are entering a different world.
And in many ways you are.
Yogaville, like its name implies, is a community dedicated to the teaching and practice of yoga. It was founded by the opening speaker at Woodstock music festival and guru Sri Swami Satchidananda.
One of Yogaville's gems is its massive pink Light Of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS)--a temple resembling a lotus flower that honors all religions of the world.
Yogaville's also has an ashram and it's considered one of the world's premier living yoga communities offering meditation sessions, yoga retreats/workshops/teacher training/and residential programs as well as vegetarian meals served from its community kitchen.
We decided to stop by for a visit this week and now we're going to take you on a photo tour of this yoga destination.
Yogaville is tucked away along the back country roads in rural Virginia.
You have to drive slowly down a narrow road winding through the forest. There are a lot of hiking trails, too.
As you come around the bend, there's an amazing view of Yogaville's LOTUS temple below.
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