Nike released its newest Hyper Elite Platinum college basketball today.
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Nine teams were chosen for the new, grey, uniforms, including Syracuse, Duke, Kentucky, North Carolina, UConn (men's and women's), Florida, Arizona, and Baylor (women's). These nine teams have all won national championships wearing Nike gear, according to a press release.
From the Nike press release:
Nike created the uniforms specifically for superior performance and lower environmental impact. The fabric of the Nike Hyper Elite Platinum shorts are made from 100 percent recycled polyester while the jersey fabric is made from at least 96% recycled polyester. Both short and jersey are tailored for the optimal efficiency of movement and are five percent lighter than the previous Nike Hyper Elite uniform.
Schools will start wearing the uniforms as early as this weekend. There is a mixed reaction from fans, some love their school's new look, while others complain it doesn't accent their school's colors enough. We think they are hideous.
Duke's new unis
Arizona's new unis
UConn and Kentucky
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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